Endodontic FAQ​

Endodontists are specialists in saving teeth –- also known as root canal dentists -- committed to helping you maintain your natural smile for a lifetime. Endodontists have completed at least two extra years of training beyond dental school. Endodontists are dentists, however, just 3 percent of dentists are endodontists. Their advanced training, experience, efficiency, specialized techniques, and state-of-the-art technologies mean you get the highest quality care with the best possible result: saving your natural teeth.

Diplomate of the American Board of Endodontics are a distinguished group of endodontists who have demonstrated exceptional knowledge and skill, dedication to continued professional growth, and a commitment to providing the highest quality of patient care.

Many endodontic procedures are performed to relieve the pain of toothaches caused by pulp inflammation or infection. With modern techniques and anesthetics, most patients report that they are comfortable during the procedure.

For the first few days after treatment, your tooth may feel sensitive, especially if there was pain or infection before the procedure. This discomfort can be relieved with over-the-counter or prescription medications. Follow the post-op instructions carefully.

Your tooth may continue to feel slightly different from your other teeth for some time after your endodontic treatment is completed. However, if you have severe pain or pressure please call our office.

Root canals are needed for a cracked tooth, a deep cavity, or issues from a previous filling. Patients generally need a root canal when they notice their teeth are sensitive, particularly to hot and cold sensations.  There are a few symptoms that mean you might need a root canal:

  • Severe pain while chewing or biting
  • Pimples on the gums
  • A chipped or cracked tooth
  • Lingering sensitivity to hot or cold, even after the sensation has been removed
  • Swollen or tender gums
  • Deep decay or darkening of the gums

Although you will most likely be numb for 2-4 hours following the procedure, most patients are able to return to school or work directly following a root canal. However, it is advised against eating until the numbness is completely gone. 

The cost varies depending on how complex the problem is and which tooth is affected. Molars are more difficult to treat; the fee is usually more. Most dental insurance policies provide some coverage for endodontic treatment.

Generally, endodontic treatment and restoration of the natural tooth are less expensive than the alternative of having the tooth extracted. An extracted tooth must be replaced with an implant or bridge to restore chewing function and prevent adjacent teeth from shifting. These procedures tend to cost more than endodontic treatment and appropriate restoration.

When you undergo a root canal or other endodontic treatment, the inflamed or infected pulp is removed and the inside of the tooth is carefully cleaned and disinfected, then filled and sealed with a rubber-like material called gutta-percha. Afterwards, the tooth is restored with a crown or filling for protection and will continue to function like any other tooth.

Endodontic treatment helps you maintain your natural smile, continue eating the foods you love and limits the need for ongoing dental work. With proper care, most teeth that have had root canal treatment can last a lifetime.

New trauma, deep decay, or a loose, cracked or broken filling can cause new infection in your tooth. In some cases, the endodontist may discover additional very narrow or curved canals that could not be treated during the initial procedure.

Root canals can fail for a variety of reasons, including a procedure that didn’t clean the canals to begin with, a breakdown of the crown or its inner sealant, or essentially anything that allows the tooth that previously had a root canal treatment to become infected at the root and affect other teeth.

Most endodontically treated teeth last as long as other natural teeth. In a few cases, a tooth that has undergone endodontic treatment does not heal or the pain continues. Occasionally, the tooth may become painful or diseased months or even years after successful treatment. Often when this occurs, redoing the endodontic procedure can save the tooth.

You should not chew or bite on the treated tooth until you have had it restored by your dentist. The unrestored tooth is susceptible to fracture, so you should see your dentist for a full restoration as soon as possible. Otherwise, you need only practice good oral hygiene, including brushing, flossing, and regular checkups and cleanings.

Most teeth can be treated. Occasionally, a tooth can’t be saved because the root canals are not accessible, the root is severely fractured, the tooth doesn’t have adequate bone support, or the tooth cannot be restored. However, advances in endodontics are making it possible to save teeth that even a few years ago would have been lost. When endodontic treatment is not effective, endodontic surgery may be able to save the tooth.

After a root canal, try to eat soft foods that require very little chewing, like applesauce, yogurt, eggs, and fish. Avoid hard foods that might hurt your teeth. Some dentists suggest to not eat for a few hours until the numbness in your mouth wears off so you don’t bite your cheek or tongue.

We prefer if you have a referral slip from your general dentist so that we can make sure we can offer the right services to you and relieve your pain. However, you can still make a consultation appointment without a referral slip. If the recommended treatment plan was not offered in our office, we might have to refer you to a general or specialist dentist.

If left untreated, the infection in the tooth can spread to surrounding tissues, cause abscess, and in some cases can even be life threatening. If you are in need of a root canal, the infected pulp in the tooth needs to be removed. Waiting too long to get a root canal can result in tooth loss.

Most root canal procedures are done using local anesthesia, meaning only the areas that are being operated on will be numb during the course of the procedure. This means you are awake and aware during the process and can drive and operate machinery as you normally would immediately after the procedure is over.

You can eat normally before a root canal treatment, and most endodontists even allow patients to eat up to 1 hour before a procedure. However, as with all oral procedures, most endodontists prefer that you brush your teeth prior to the appointment.

It is always better to maintain a healthy, natural smile whenever possible, and root canals allow for just that. Extracting and then replacing a tooth results in more treatments and procedures, and could even impact neighboring teeth and supporting gums.

An extracted tooth must be replaced with an implant or bridge to restore chewing function and prevent adjacent teeth from shifting. These procedures tend to cost more than endodontic treatment and appropriate restoration.

While a throbbing toothache typically is a telltale sign of a need for root canal treatment, there are times a tooth can require root canal treatment when there is no pain present. Endodontists are specially trained to test a tooth to see if the pulp has been infected or damaged. If this is the case, a root canal would be necessary to save the tooth.

No. While x-rays will be necessary during your endodontics treatment, we use digital radiography, which produces radiation levels up to 90 percent lower than those of already low-dose conventional dental x-ray machinery.  This may include a 3-D x-ray (also known as a CBCT). Limited field CBCT provides greater detail and uses much less radiation than a medium and full field of view CBCT units. X-rays are the primary way that we are able to verify and evaluate our work- they are a vital part of the diagnosis and treatment.

Our team abides by the highest level of infection control, as indicated by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). We will do everything possible to provide you with the highest quality of care while maximizing your protection.